
This is the biggest update since publishing the project. The game has been rebuilt from scratch to increase performance, scalability and code quality. This isn't generally something I would do or advise myself to do, but with the situation I ended up in I felt like I had to restart. The game's scalability was dire, with new unicells requiring a significant amount of work which would all break down when trying to change unicell behaviours.

In this iteration, unicells are now inherited from a default Unicell class so that each unicell will at least have default behaviour. This firstly means that changing unicell behaviours effect all Unicells simultaneously, and allows me to create exclusive logic for unique Unicells that complement their default behaviour.

v0.4 Changes

- Up to ~400% better performance in relation to fps.

- Changed graphical style to pixel art

- Overhauled the UI

- Added an upgrade menu where you can upgrade different species including Damage, Max Health and Spawn Level

- Unicells now drop food that can be eaten, and souls are now automatically obtained


Unicellular WebGL0.4.zip 19 MB
61 days ago
Unicellular v0.4.zip 39 MB
61 days ago

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